NOTA BENE: None of my cards or mechanics or names or what-have-you belong to me. Not reclaim, not fervor, not portend, not anything. Only the art has some ownership attached to it, and none of it's mine. Even if I did have control over these things, I would encourage people to use them. Collaboration (even when not actually working together) fosters creativity. Just look at growing (the mechanic Shenafu based on doublethink). And look at the new way I'm using reclaim:

Reclaim is one of those things that gives me difficulty when judging the power level. So I'm not sure if Fell Banishing is good or if it's terrible or if it's just mediocre. But I am sure that it's neat. And yes, the discard triggers for both spells if you reclaimed a swamp.

This is exactly the sort of card I railed against during Shadowmoor. Sure, white does get some zombify effects, and green does get some raise dead effects, but mono-green doesn't get zombify. Because of cards like Temple Garden and Hermit's Hovel, you can get 3 Plains in a mono-green deck. It is better than hybrid in that you HAVE to have some way to get white mana to get its white ability, but it irks me that you don't actually have to use that mana.
But I'm getting too serious about this. After all, Magic is just a game (and these cards aren't even real).

What do we do with games? We win them! Twice!
EDIT: The original version let you win the game without actually reclaiming any lands. While certainly amusing, it was slightly overpowered. The problem has been subdued.
I just lost the game.
Original Art - Fell Banishing
Original Art - Impromptu Revival
Original Art - Worldmoss
So, under that cards current wording, if you reclaim no lands at all (reclaim is a may effect) then you win the game? For 3GG? Seems okay.
ReplyDeleteI guess you do.
Seems okay.
So you could win the game twice? That's insane! It's broken! It's...wait, would that win you the next game in the round?
ReplyDeleteAnd do you have reclaim on the second copy to get it to activate any effects? Like on Fell Banishing, could you bounce two, but only make them discard one if you reclaimed swamps on the 1st copy?
-Nameless One (No wizards...)
You can only reclaim on the original. If you do (and if you reclaimed a swamp), the discard effect is triggered on both the original and the copy.