Monday, June 8, 2009

Card of the Day - The Stalkersworn

Nightstalkers do not have swampwalk. I do not understand this! If they stalk in the night they must stalk also in the swamp. It is what makes sense! When I make a nightstalker it will have this ability. If you have both a nightstalker and a The Stalkersworn in play your The Stalkersworn will be not as much of a less powerful creature. I have been told that haste is good but I do not understand this. What is the rush for attacking on the first turn? It is just able to be blocked. However The Stalkersworn cannot be given islandwalk or another also more powerful ability because it would become broken.

Original Art


  1. Hah. The Nightstalker just hands the stalkersworn an unholy strength and says "Smash." and the Stalkersworn goes "SMASH!". Reminds me of the Jund Hackblade, only better. Sort of. Admittedly more limited, but better effect.

    And I agree, why doesn't at least one of them have swampwalk?

    -Nameless One (Who disapproves of Nightstalkers for not having a Nightstalker Wizard)

  2. One day, this blog will be mine again and my vengeance will be swift and terrible.

  3. That's both bizzare and true.

  4. This card is not elegant enough.

    By "elegant" I mean broken. Mirrodin was a great idea, guys!

  5. Is it just me, or is this post's comment section slowly going insane?

    -Nameless One

  6. It's just you.

    Incidentally, you got any food? I'm kinda hungry.

  7. Grell-san, you seem to be multiplying.

    -Nameless One

  8. So I do. It is disconcerting and painful.


Empty your mind.